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Register today and join your classmates at the 2023 SHS All-night Graduation Party!  Click the registration tab above to get started.

Check out the FACEBOOK PAGE for your child's graduating class.
The class of 23's page is called
"Class of 2023 Sartell Sabre Families"


Graduation Celebration

The Sartell/St. Stephen All Night grad party begins shortly after commencement at Sartell High School on June 3, 2023. Doors will open at 10:30 and will lock by 11:30 pm. The event will run until approximately 5:00am. 

You can look forward to celebrating with your classmates with a variety of games, activities, dancing, and entertainment. Food (LOTS OF FOOD!) and beverages are included all night long. Each graduate will leave with at least one gift and has the possibility of earning large raffle prizes. A CAR will be given away!! 

This night is just for YOU and your classmates to gather one last time and celebrate your accomplishments. Check the guest list to see who has registered and encourage your friends to sign up! 

This party is brought to you by generous local businesses and your parents! 

Registration and payment is required. Please click on the Registration tab above to secure your spot! 

Our Mission

The mission of the SHS All-Night Grad Party is to provide all Sartell High School graduating seniors with a safe, secure, and chemical free party so they can celebrate their achievement together as a class in a fun environment.

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